50 State Ranking: Average Household Incomes in America

May 22, 2024

A new study has revealed that New Jersey has the highest average household income in America. 

New Jersey came top with an average household income of $134,191 per year and a median income of $96,346. There were 3,516,978 households recorded in the state, with 18.1% of them earning between $100,000 to $149,999 each year. A staggering 18.9% of New Jersey households were found to be earning $200,000 or more per year. 

 Massachusetts ranked second with an average household income of $133,823 per year and a median income of $94,488. Out of 2,797,776 households recorded in the state, 19% were estimated to have earned $200,000 or more. In comparison, 17.6% of households earned between $100,000 to $149,999, in which the average income sits.  

 California came third with an average household income of $131,504 per year and a median income of $91,551. 13,550,586 households were recorded in the state, with 17.6% of them earning between $100,000 to $149,999 each year. The highest percentage group of 18% was similarly from households earning $200,000 or more. 

 Connecticut ranked fourth with an average household income of $128,160 per year and a median income of $88,429. There were 1,433,635 households recorded in the state, with 17.7% estimated to be earning between $100,000 to $149,999 each year, while 16.3% of households earned $200,000 or more. 

Maryland came fifth with an average household income of $125,876 per year and a median income of $94,991. 2,375,984 households were recorded in the state, with 18.7% of these earning between $100,000 to $149,999 each year. This was the highest percentage group, followed by 17.5% of househods earning $200,000 or more. 

Other states in the top ten included Washington, Hawaii, New Hampshire, New York, and Virginia. 

Mississippi reported the lowest average household income of $72,624 per year and a median income of $52,719. 1,148,340 households were recorded in the state, with 13.2% earning between $100,000 to $149,999 each year. 

 The study carried out by QR Code Generator, analyzed data from the US Census Bureau to estimate the average household income for each state based on annual earnings from 2022. These results were then compared and ranked from the highest to the lowest household income. 

Marc Porcar, CEO of QR Code Generator commented on the findings: 

“This study offers valuable insight into the estimated average earnings for households across America in recent years, alongside which income brackets are the most representative of the population in each state.  

“New Jersey, Massachusetts, and California rank across the top three, which could be due to their notably high cost of living compared to other states. Each of them is also known for having prestigious universities, like Princeton, Harvard, and Stanford.  

“It would be interesting to see whether these rankings change in subsequent years and to compare results across the past five or ten years to see which states have had the highest growth in average household earnings.” 

Estimated average household incomes and number of households per state   


Ranking  State  Total number of households  Average household income ($) 
1.  New Jersey  3,516,978  134,191 
2.  Massachusetts  2,797,776  133,823 
3.  California  13,550,586  131,504 
4.  Connecticut  1,433,635  128,160 
5.  Maryland  2,375,984  125,876 
6.  Washington  3,079,953  125,847 
7.  Hawaii  494,827  120,969 
8.  New Hampshire  557,220  119,452 
9.  New York  7,774,308  119,130 
10.  Virginia  3,380,607  119,058 
11.  Colorado  2,384,584  119,039 
12.  Utah  1,129,660  114,044 
13.  Minnesota  2,322,190  109,737 
14.  Alaska  274,574  109,524 
15.  Rhode Island  446,688  108,023 
16.  Illinois  5,056,360  106,728 
17.  Delaware  402,334  105,438 
18.  Oregon  1,726,340  102,923 
19.  Texas  11,087,708  101,738 
20.  Arizona  2,850,377  101,316 
21.  Pennsylvania  5,294,065  100,015 
22.  Georgia  4,092,467  99,863 
23.  Florida  8,826,394  99,349 
24.  Nevada  1,198,356  98,422 
25.  North Dakota  331,481  97,699 
26.  Vermont  277,090  97,261 
27.  Nebraska  803,157  94,599 
28.  Idaho  717,151  94,503 
29.  North Carolina  4,299,266  94,353 
30.  Wisconsin  2,491,121  94,085 
31.  Maine  605,338  93,555 
32.  Kansas  1,175,294  93,221 
33.  Iowa  1,330,995  92,695 
34.  Michigan  4,089,794  91,856 
35.  Montana  464,072  90,874 
36.  South Dakota  368,300  90,806 
37.  Ohio  4,878,206  90,109 
38.  Wyoming  243,321  90,018 
39.  Tennessee  2,846,684  89,799 
40.  Indiana  2,726,489  88,805 
41.  South Carolina  2,136,080  88,704 
42.  Missouri  2,521,832  88,586 
43.  Alabama  2,016,448  82,956 
44.  Oklahoma  1,573,180  82,741 
45.  Kentucky  1,828,680  82,614 
46.  New Mexico  848,218  82,382 
47.  Louisiana  1,816,902  79,175 
48.  Arkansas  1,216,207  76,853 
49.  West Virginia  736,341  75,265 
50.  Mississippi  1,148,340  72,624 
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